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Home Artists Osadchuk Nataliya Artworks of the master Lilac in a vase

Lilac in a vase

Lilac in a vase
The scent of lilac flowers means that spring has irrevocably come into its own. The dizzying scent of purple and white flowers is so strong that it can be caught at a great distance. It seems that no one has ever met a person who did not like this sweet smell. But how much do we know about our favorite spring flower? The plant is considered to be harmonizing, since it is named after the Greek naiad Syringa, responsible for peace and mental balance. Lilac was highly appreciated in China for its healing properties and is still used in medicine. For example, the juice of the leaves has healing properties, flowers help with rheumatism and anesthetize.
Location of the painting: Moscow
Category: Painting

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2023
Size: 80x60
Material : canvas
Technique : oil
406 $
398 2 0
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Artworks of the master