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Home Artists Tatajna Cechun Artworks of the master Miniature "Red tabby cat"

Miniature "Red tabby cat"

Miniature "Red tabby cat"
Миниатюра из серии работ «Портреты кошек в миниатюре». Выполнена на холсте масляными красками профессиональной серии "Мастер-класс" от фабрики "Невская палитра". В рамке из итальянского пластика. Сзади специальное приспособление (вешалка) для подвешивания на стену. Единственная и оригинальная авторская картина. Вы знали это...? Miniature from the series of works "Portraits of cats in miniature". Made on canvas with oil paints of the professional series "Master class" from the factory "Nevskaya palitra". Framed in Italian plastic. Behind a special device (hanger) for hanging on the wall. Single and original author's painting. Did you know that...? The red tabby cat most of all of his cat brothers looks like the most graceful predator - the tiger. Framed miniature. I love cats with big eyes. It always seems to me that some kind of wisdom is reflected in them, they cherish it and do not want to share it with us.
Location of the painting: Vilnius
Category: Painting
Style: Realism
For the interior (by type of room): For home and apartment for children's room

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

The painting is framed.

Year: 2021
Size: 10x10
Material : canvas on cardboard
Technique : oil
115 $
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Tatajna Cechun 06.11.2024, 22:55
Большое спасибо, Елизавета, за высокую оценку моего котика.
Artworks of the master
Latest ratings:
19.06.2024, 19:31
Style: 5
The plot is unique: 5
Mastery: 5
прекрасная живописная работа!:) котик - живой! Благодаря кисти художника!:))