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Sale of oil paintings and other arts.
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Services of artists and sculptors.
Home Site rules

Welcome to the Internet portal!

Terms of Use:
1. Order of conduct on the Site.
1.1. The user is not allowed to:
1.1.1. Communication in an unethical style, namely:
  • rudeness, rudeness, aggression, disrespectful behavior towards users of the Site and third parties
  • evil ridicule, bias and provocation - obscene language (math) in any, even distorted form
  • the use of offensive and obscene words and expressions of any character in relation to the participants in the discussion, including substituting letters with symbols;
  • conversations to discuss personalities in an open discussion
  • quoting and discussing personal correspondence
  • public conduct of personal correspondence (there are personal messages for this);
  • placement of short, uninformative, meaningless entries (comments, reviews, etc.), as well as containing links to external sites and text & laquo; For more information, see here & raquo ;; users should see all the information that you want to tell them on the entry page without additional referrals to third-party sites (except for links within the Portal);
  • flame, flood, trolling
  • problems on the authorship of a particular Painting with a specific Artist, should be solved using personal mail to solve disputable situations
  • political, religious, racial discussions and any propaganda, as well as to call for the commission of crimes
  • publication of information that is vulgar, obscene or pornographic;
  • spam and advertising, this means obsessive offers and invitations, as well as conducting mass mailings
  • discussion of moderation, administration, other actions of the Administration and the functioning of the Site, contact the Administration for help and support using the form of sending messages or mail;
  • discussing the operation and operation of third-party sites
  • publish, any information that contains defamation, threats, is fraudulent, infringes upon someone's business reputation, personal or public interests
  • publish links to sites, advertising texts, commercial messages, images containing advertisements, trademarks, logos, and place in any public area of ​​the site someone's coordinates, including address, phone number, e-mail address, other means of communication ;
  • place on the Site addresses, passport data and other personal information of other users or any third parties
  • post any information that violates the exclusive rights of users or third parties to intellectual property objects
  • place any other information that, in the opinion of the Administration, is undesirable, does not correspond to the purposes of creating the Site, infringes upon the interests of users or, for other reasons, is undesirable for posting on the Site
  • abuse CAPITAL letters and other design elements, and also intentionally write with a large number of errors;
  • arrange an unconstructive discussion on the issue of the discrepancy of someone's views with the personal opinion of the User.
1.1.2. Register User name that violates the generally accepted moral and ethical norms or is offensive to other users, carries advertising, contains profanity.
1.1.3. Register a username similar to the one already existing, which may mislead the visitors of the Site.
1.1.4. It is forbidden to repeatedly register, regardless of the purposes with which such registration is conducted. This violation leads to the blocking of all accounts.
1.1.5. Use animated avatars, as well as avatars containing advertisements, scenes of violence, threats (on a demographic, national, religious or political basis), profanity (profanity, insults, rudeness, etc.), debauchery (pornography), discrimination in any manifestations.
1.1.6. Place images and texts that adversely affect the appearance of the Site.
1.2. The User undertakes not to take any actions that may cause material, technical or damage to the reputation of Users, as well as the Service & laquo; & raquo;.
1.3. If the User does not show activity on the Site for a long time, his account may be blocked or deleted by the Administration.
2. Rights, duties and responsibilities of the Portal Administration.
2.1. Administration does not guarantee permanent or unconditional access to the Site. Functioning of the Portal & laquo; & raquo; can be violated by actions of irresistible forces and other factors, the prevention or overcoming of which is beyond the capabilities of the Administration.
2.2. The Administration undertakes to make changes and improvements to the work of the Site based on its own research and observations, and also undertakes to consider the wishes and suggestions of Users.
2.3. Administration provides users with Portal services in the form in which they exist at the moment and without any guarantees, including guarantees with respect to the ownership of the Pictures, as well as guarantees with respect to Users of the Portal & & raquo; in relation to each other and any of their actions.
2.4. The Administration has the right to cancel the incorrectly executed Order, indicating to the Customer the mistakes made in the design.
2.5. The Administration has the right to refuse any User to register an Account or provide services on the basis of suspicion of unlawful activities with respect to the Portal or its Users.
2.6. Administration is not responsible and does not provide compensation for the occurrence of lost revenue, as well as for the occurrence of damage of any kind that occurred due to the functioning, non-functioning or incorrect functioning of the software and hardware of the Service.
2.7. Portal Administration & & raquo; does not guarantee that: & nbsp;
all errors in the system will be fixed;
information and services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors;
information that can be obtained from the Site & laquo; & raquo; will be accurate, reliable or will meet the expectations and requirements of the User.
2.8. Portal Administration & & raquo; is not liable for possible material or non-material damage that may be caused to the User in consequence of the use or inability to use the Service & & raquo;.
2.9. The maximum property responsibility of the Administration can not exceed the amount equal to the payment by the User of the services of the Portal.
2.10. The site is a trading platform, that is, the Portal Administration does not participate in any legal relationship between persons who have concluded or are able to enter into a particular sale transaction as a result of using the portal provided by the Portal, & raquo; services and services.
2.11. The Administration has the right, at its own discretion, to moderate the Site.
2.12. The Administration has the right to edit and / or remove from the Site any information of the User if it conflicts with these Rules, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and in other cases at the discretion of the Administration.
2.13. The Administration undertakes to provide the Artist with the contact details of the Buyer upon receipt and acceptance of Orders for Paintings placed by the Artist on the Site
2.14. The Administration has the right to reduce the User's rating for violation of these Rules.
2.15. The site is open to universal access and a non-moderated information resource. The information placed on the Site by users is not subject to compulsory verification by the Administration before its publication (premoderation) and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Administration. The Administration makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to any information posted on the Site, its accuracy, relevance or reliability, and assumes no responsibility for any user information posted on the Site.
2.16. The administration is not responsible for the consumer properties of the pictures put up for sale on the Site, as well as for the legitimacy of putting them on sale.
2.17. The link to any site, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted by Users on the Site & & raquo; is not an endorsement or recommendation of these products and services by the Administration.
2.18. In case of violation of these Rules by the User, the Administration shall issue an oral warning for Users with the type of Account & laquo; Buyer & raquo; and an oral warning for Users with the type of Account & laquo; Artist & raquo ;. In case of repeated violation, the User Account is blocked without returning the money held on it.
3. Obtaining technical support and communication with the Portal Administration.
3.1. Obtaining technical support, as well as the relationship of the User with the Administration, is carried out through the feedback form on the website & raquo; or e-mail during business hours in Russian.
3.2. The Administration has the right to ignore the User's questions, composed incorrectly or already having the answer specified in the Rules of the system or other reference documents of the Portal. & Nbsp;
3.3. The user should address the Administration staff politely, without using abusive or obscene words, as well as insults and threats.
3.4. In case of violation of 3.3. of these Rules, the Administration makes an oral warning. In case of repeated violation of clause 3.3. The User account is blocked without returning the funds on it.
4. Information security.
4.1. The User is responsible for the safety of the Account data and the actions performed by third parties who have access to the User Account.
4.2. The User is responsible for any actions performed from his Account.
4.3. Portal & laquo; & raquo; assumes the obligation not to disclose information obtained in the course of working with the User, including financial information, personal correspondence, Account data.
4.4. The user undertakes not to disclose information obtained in the course of work in the system, which is available only at the entrance to his account. This information includes, but is not limited to, information about the profile of other Users, personal correspondence with other Users and the Administration of the Portal & & raquo;.
4.5. The User undertakes not to submit for public discussion the issues of dispute settlement in the Arbitration of the Portal, solving them in working order with the Administration of the Portal & & raquo;
4.6. Users undertake not to use or disclose to third parties the vulnerabilities discovered in the operation of the software and hardware systems of the Site. It is necessary to immediately inform the Portal Administration about the detection of errors and vulnerabilities.
4.7. Users are obliged not to pass on passwords and other information to third parties to access their Account.
4.8. Users are obliged not to disclose commercial information received by them in the process of working with the Portal.
4.9. The user agrees to the processing of personal data by the Service and the statistical systems used by the Service.
5. Changes to the Portal Rules & & raquo;
5.1. The User accepts the conditions of these Rules (expresses acceptance) by completing the registration procedure on the Site.
5.2. The actual use of the Site by the User also confirms the User's agreement with the terms of these Rules.
5.3. Portal Administration & & raquo; in the right to change the contents of the Rules at any time unilaterally without additional notice to the User and without payment of any compensation in connection therewith. At its discretion, the Administration can send notifications to Users about the changes made, indicating these changes in the letter, as well as in the news section of the Site.
5.4. If the User disagrees with the changes made, he must refuse access to the Site and stop using the services of the Portal & & raquo;
5.5. If, after changing the Rules, the User continues to use the services and services of the Portal, the User is considered to agree with the new edition of the Rules.
5.6. The current version of these Rules is available on the Portal's website & & raquo; and is available on the Internet at
6. The integral parts of these Rules are:
7. If any issue is not regulated by the Rules, or their application in a particular situation is impossible, the Portal Administration decides how to proceed in any given situation. In this case, the User undertakes to follow the instructions of the Administration.