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Home Artists Dorofeev Sergey

Dorofeev Sergey

Dorofeev Sergey
Total rating: 294
Rating by «Painting»: 86
Community ratings by author
Uniqueness of style:4.9
Originality of work plots:5.0
Painting I started since I learned how to stand in the crib. My mother told me that she pinned buttons to a sheet of paper on the wall so I did not stain. Such uncomplicated here were my first canvases. I mainly drew little men in the spirit of "point, point, comma - released smiley curve". However, my sample of the brush in portrait painting ended and I turned to other genres of painting.
Seriously holding the brush 35 years ago , I never gave up my favorite activities, which became for me a matter of life and continue to write to this day. Many of my paintings are in private collections in Russia and abroad.
I prefer oil paints, but watercolor love. Write in a variety of styles, genres and directions. I can relate to the theme of Russian nature, measured way the quiet streets of ancient cities, the power of the sea expanses and tranquil still lifes of everyday life. Every picture I try to fill mood, life. . .
I like to enter their work in the interior, thereby filling the space with colors. Whether it's a house or an office – I'd paint a picture to decorate the room and create the mood.
In 2005, I graduated from Academic school of design (profession: interior designer), then the circle of my interests expanded significantly. I'm always interested in starting any new business associated with painting, design and architecture. And start it according to the principle: "I am Afraid - do not do; do not be afraid." And confidence in the success of any project with experience and dedication, always lead to good results.
PS And a little bit about my work. Since 1990, I have participated in exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Not resting on our laurels, more needs to be a realization of a huge number of plans and ideas.
Exhibitions in which I participated:
1992. "The history of Petroflot" in France
1995. - "Russian landscape" in Japan and Germany
2007. - exhibition of paintings at the Central House of Artist in Moscow
2015. (23-25 October) - the autumn art salon ART SHOPPING in Paris (Louvre)

A Member Of The Creative Union Of Artists Of Russia
Member of Russian Association of marine painters

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