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Home Artists Tronova Mary

Tronova Mary

Tronova Mary
Total rating: 56
Rating by «Painting»: 6
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    I was born and live in Moscow from the distant 1987. Loved to draw as a pre-school age, in connection with what was given in the art Department of the Children's art school №3 them. S. Richter in 1998. After her studies in 2003, I decided not to connect his life to art and entered the Moscow state industrial University, where he successfully studied for 5.5 years. Throughout the period of study at the University, I took up pencil and brush, but, for the most banal story, the work took its toll, and at one point I started painting again. At first, I painted the walls, furnishings, glass, and then I wanted to try a airbrush and in 2012 I took a course on airbrushing in ExStudio certificate received. Since the beginning of 2014, I again began to paint, and here a...
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