Tronova Mary
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I was born and live in Moscow from the distant 1987. Loved to draw as a pre-school age, in connection with what was given in the art Department of the Children's art school №3 them. S. Richter in 1998. After her studies in 2003, I decided not to connect his life to art and entered the Moscow state industrial University, where he successfully studied for 5.5 years. Throughout the period of study at the University, I took up pencil and brush, but, for the most banal story, the work took its toll, and at one point I started painting again. At first, I painted the walls, furnishings, glass, and then I wanted to try a airbrush and in 2012 I took a course on airbrushing in ExStudio certificate received. Since the beginning of 2014, I again began to paint, and here and April 2015 some of my work for the first time participated in the exhibition of young artists ArtWhoArt, and in January 2016 was held my first solo exhibition.
Artist. A member of the TSHR. Participated in many group and individual exhibitions in Moscow, the Moscow region and Crimea. Works made in different techniques. Mainly pencil, watercolour, acrylic and author's technique.
Education, skills:
Children's art school №3 them. S. Richter
Moscow State Industrial University,
17-19 .04.2015. ArtWhoArt. Group exhibition. (Moscow)
5-31.01.2016. Gallery "Avangard". Solo exhibition. (Moscow)
22.05 – 2.06.2016. The youth art Symposium "Turanian world — the Children-the peacemakers". (Crimea)
23.07.2016. Group exhibition at the house of the Actor "Bridges between worlds". (Moscow)
27.08 – 10.09.2016. Group exhibition "Russian open spaces". (Saint Petersburg)
25.10 – 1.11.2016. Group exhibition "I want to say Koni MIC: Not possi!" at the National Cultural Center of Ukraine. (Moscow)
28.10 – 6.11.2016. Group exhibition "Moscow seasons". Central house of artists on Krymsky Val. (Moscow)
21.11 – 31.12.2016. Solo exhibition. Museum and exhibition center of Medyn. (Kaluga, Russia)
1-19.03.2017. State exhibition hall "Tushino". Exhibition sections "the Decorative arts" of the TSHR. (Moscow)
13-26.03.2017. Group exhibition at the exhibition hall "Andi of the Ministry of agriculture. (Moscow)
27.03-9.04.2017. Art exhibition at the exhibition hall "Andi of the Ministry of agriculture. (Moscow)