Floss, silk on linen, the work was carried out 2 months. The idea is taken from Internet, author unknown .Set in a frame with Passepartout, overall size 49 X 41. Embroidery with a sewing machine. Handmade! Believe in Feng Shui? Sunflowers are used attract material prosperity. To do this, the talisman is placed in the South-Eastern sector.
If you want to establish a relationship (or keep existing) with family, place the sunflower on Feng Shui in the Eastern part of the house.
If you want to diversify marital relationship to regain the passion hang in the southwestern part of the bedroom a picture of sunflowers.
But most of the flowers of the sunflower are used in the zone of fame and success. As they stand the sun, and therefore the fire, there to attract into your life good luck, they belong. It is the southern sector of space – the sector of Fire.
Well , the sparrows are symbols of faithfulness and tender love.
Although, without fenhua this picture mentally will decorate Your interior in beige and brown tones.
Location of the painting:
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