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Sale of oil paintings and other arts.
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Have mercy

Have mercy
The greatest French writer Antoine de Saint-exupéry in his tale "the Little Prince", the words of the child, passed to all mankind: "We are responsible for those we tamed!". People will show mercy to our young brothers and sisters. Because the Spirit is his first conscious development. And only after reincarnated in man. If each of you will be able, even without taking in your home, but you show compassion and feed hungry cats and dogs, how grateful you will get energy from these beings in your energy field! Help them! And if your heart glows with the Divine light of love to the world, take in your home are not expensive exotic pet, but a simple kitten or a dog.
Location of the painting: Almaty
Category: Painting

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

The painting is framed.

Year: 2009
Size: 70x50
Material : canvas
Technique : oil
12 000 $
797 0 2
Community Performance Assessments
Attention! The seller for a long time did not confirm the relevance of information and items.
Comments (2)
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Mayorova Ekaterina 29.06.2020, 16:50
Эльвира, нет слов. Эмоции накрывают с головой. Спасибо, что делитесь своим творчеством, своей душой. Такое искусство вечно, я влюблена).
Olechshenko Elvira 30.06.2020, 16:15
Спасибо, Екатерина!
Artworks of the master
Latest ratings:
17.08.2020, 22:07
Style: 5
The plot is unique: 5
Mastery: 5