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Empty bowl

Empty bowl
We are everywhere surrounded by symbols. We are busy with their life's hurry, and don't notice that they are an integral part of our every day. Sometimes, we admire the sky and find the clouds recognizable figures of people and animals, and even cursive writing. Not infrequently, many based on folk superstitions. But the signs that give us other worlds, we don't pay attention. In each seen you sign, there are tips for all sides of your being. Five sides of the pentacle star, like the five aspects of human life: children, love, social relationships, money and health, an integral part of our existence. But, in an effort to support these parties in your required withdrawal, we forget about the many creatures that live beside us. When out of the orchard birds fly, the insects eat the fruit of the trees, and the trees themselves. When there are a number of pigeons, then disappears a symbol of love and peace. Pay attention to the birds, and if you see that they have nothing to eat, sprinkle them with grains or pieces of bread!
Location of the painting: Almaty
Category: Painting

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

The painting is framed.

Year: 2015
Size: 55x45
Material : whatman
Technique : aquarelle
4 000 $
731 0 0
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Artworks of the master
Latest ratings:
21.08.2020, 16:11
Style: 5
The plot is unique: 5
Mastery: 5