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Home Artists Osadchiy Aleksey Artworks of the master Don't judge

Don't judge

Don't judge
In my dreams I'm tall, slender, and grow among the white birches. But the reality is-it just is. There is agreement with God.No tears. In my life I met people who endured the blows of fate and continued to live , meeting and seeing off every day. This experience resulted in a picture where the tree originally grows in their environment, from a lightning strike it bent. But it has not surrendered. Every spring it is green, delighting the eye and every autumn flushes the fire of their leaves into the water. And they swim, carrying the news of the courage of its wood and its durability.
Location of the painting: Kumertau
Category: Painting
Style: Realism
For the interior (by type of room): For home and apartment for bedroom

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

The painting is framed.

Year: 2015
Size: 40x50
Material : canvas on cardboard
Technique : oil
93 $
725 1 1
Community Performance Assessments
Style: No ratings yet
The plot is unique: No ratings yet
Mastery: No ratings yet
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Artworks of the master