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The picture is in a single copy, exact repetition is impossible. Made in quilling techniques from strips of Korean and Japanese paper, German designer paper with "wood" texture, density 350 g. Volumetricity effect. Decorated on 380 g density canvas, 100% cotton, in a handmade frame made of solid wood, brushed pine. Symbolism of the plot: The crane is a sacred bird for all the peoples who lived next to it. In Russia it represents loyalty, in Armenia it is one of the national symbols. In China, the crane symbolizes wisdom, honor, beauty, longevity and vigilance. In the East, the crane is considered an intermediary between the world of gods and people. Many ancient legends tell about the wonderful properties of this refined bird. For example, in ancient mythology, the crane was a companion of the god Apollo as a spring sunbird. To God Hermes, the patron saint of travelers, the crane became a companion because of its powerful wings, which never know fatigue. A picture with a pair of cranes will become a talisman that gives health and long life, as these birds live long enough in nature
Location of the painting: Severomorsk
Category: Decor
Genre: Plots

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

The painting is framed.

Year: 2023
Size: 80x60
Material : paper
Technique : author's technique
415 $
354 0 0
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Artworks of the master